16 May 2009

Eurovision Song Contest 2009

Every year the countries in the European community like to have a little singing contest... 42 countries vote, despite how many actually participate and you cannot vote for your own country.

This year, Norway won by more votes than ever before with one of the worst songs I've ever heard: "I'm in love with a fairytale..." it gets worse from there:

Years ago when I was younger
I kinda’ liked a girl I knew.
She was mine, and we were sweethearts,
That was then, but then it’s true

I’m in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind;
I’m already cursed

Every day we started fighting,
Every night we fell in love.
No one else could make me sadder,
But no one else could lift me high above

I don’t know what I was doing
But suddenly we fell apart.
Nowadays I cannot find her.
But when I do we’ll get a brand new start

Last year, at least 3 countries had songs featuring pirates... this year a gypsy theme was way more prevalent; death gypsies from Armenia, Hippy gypsies from Moldova, and someone else, whom I've forgotten...

The UK scored 5th with Jade singing a song especially prepared by Andrew Lloyd Weber for the show, whereas in other years, the UK sends some quasi-drunk and takes the piss out of the rest of Europe.

Other tantalising highlights from Eurovision 09:
  • Ukrainian 1/2 nude gladiators singing "baby I can save your world--I'm your anti-crisis girl"
  • Romania "The Balkan girls they like to party like nobody, like nobody"--great costumes though
  • "Peter Piper, I take control..." enough said
  • "I'm a cloud, you are my magic night" (and you wonder why European music isn't popular in the States)
  • Russian Sinead OConnor effect on the screens

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