29 October 2010

Anglo-phile... Ameri-phile?

As a teacher of the English language, I can say, there's a lot of prejudice out there... and I'm not excluded from that. I get edgy when my Essex lovelies swallow their Ts and Hs and flip when a Posh Londer will aspirate their Ts to sound parTicularly biTing.

But one thing that particularly annoys me is when people aspire to sound like Cher from Clueless or characters from The Hills... I understand that linguistically it is a cultural dialect in a certain community... etc. but today in Oxford, UK, people speaking English dispersed with Malayalam interjected random "likes" and "seriously"s into their communication... I cringed, but was too close at the cafe table to scoff without being noticed so I ended up almost choking on my scrambled eggs so as not to be conspicuous...

There are times when I think MTV doesn't help humanity...

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