I recently gave a talk at a pastorate meaning on the Call of Abraham and Faith. But what has constantly been on my heart since then, is the definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1-3 "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible."
Things that are invisible are all around us... feelings, wishes, hopes, attitudes, promises etc.
And so often, these things are made visible by our actions...
In the beginning, God spoke and from the invisible things in His mind, things became visible...
When I'm having a bad day, drowning in bitterness and sarcasm, in anger and frustration, these invisible things BECOME visible by how my face looks, by my words, by sighs and my tone of voice and how I treat people, by how I walk down the hallway, etc.
What is invisible BECOMES visible based on what we are believing at any given moment.
God has promised us things, and in Hebrews it shows us that the heroes of faith took God at his word and trusted that if He promised it, He would fulfill it and they LIVED out of that conviction everyday.
The invisible promises of God were made visible by their hunger for the promises God made them, so they kept God close, they listened to Him constantly, and they never stopped working towards the promise, the vision God had put in their hearts.
When I feel God's love and promises, when I feel the prayers of those crying out to God for me, when I remember his promises, you can see those invisible things in how I treat people as well, in what kinds of things I spend my money on, in what investments I make, in what kinds of clothes I wear, and who I spend time with...
The invisible becomes visible in the Church of God, in the Body of Christ our Lord...
That hunger He has placed in our hearts, that hunger for justice, for love, for grace, for ever lasting life, go to Him and let Him fill you and then with that go and LIVE so that those invisible things He has spoken into your heart are made visible.
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