23 August 2011

Different "kinds" of People

So I've been confronted with "desert" people in the last few days. I often wonder how to break down our good, old world and organize it. Race and religion don't seem sufficient enough... I think the real clincher is what kind of environment one grows up in...

Is it tropical? Do you get storms? What's the weather like? Rainy, wet, low altitude, high altitude? Land locked?

I just think it would be really hard to have a desert person and a beach person to mix. Yes both deal with sand to some extent, but the amount of water, the feeling of it beneath your feet, the smell, the critters involved, etc.

In some ways, we adapt to the climate we grow up in. I have always lived at low altitude (on the shore basically) and fairly mild climates. We get frequent thunderstorms, nor-easters, hurricanes and tropical storms at times. Surrounded by a flood plain, some swamps and forests, I can drive through rain, deal with insects and flooding and snow.

I get nosebleeds when it's dry or if I'm in a high altitude city.

I just don't think I could cope, but humidity... no sweat! (maybe not literally, but I can handle it).

Mountain people, too, might be a bit much for me. I love mountains and forests, but living on one, most likely away from the beach, I think it would be quite hard. I'm unaccustomed to noticing the signs of danger, or what might even happen before an avalanche, a mud-slide, or an earth quake.

Sure all of these places fascinate me, they are stunning, but, let's just say the lack of foliage in the desert makes it a place I would only vacation at, and maybe between trips to other places.

I think in the grand scheme of island people, mountain people, plains people, desert people, forest people, beach people, city people, and ice/snow people, I am forest/beach... like the color wheel or the zodiac, there will be people I mix with better, people I can adapt to easier, and people I won't mix with.


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