19 August 2011

I read my news in gulps

Living in England, one of the things I really wanted to stay on top of was the US news. Not that I ever really paid attention to the news when I lived in the US, but anyway. I got online with NYTimes and discovered the weekly updates... and I became a monster. I am now subscribed to the politics, opinions, daily headlines, lesson plans, education, books and literature, and writing and writers emails... and there are about 250 of them in my nice little gmail news label unread.

Every 3 months or so, I'll go through and read through the headlines of all the lesson plans and delete useless emails. I'll skim through the opinion headlines and email myself articles I'm interested in and then maybe a month later get to read them. I've given up on staying on top of the education emails, only getting to them every 4-5 months or so, and today's headlines are usually deleted before they're even opened...

It's sad, I know, but there's only so much I can read at one time. At one point, I didn't have a laptop and I printed off the articles at work and carried them around and read them on the train... I think I got more read that way.

A lot of my friends who love reading seem to go through anti-reading phases, where they just find it impossible to work all day and come home and read anything. It's all they can do to drag themselves home, make some food, and turn on the television.

Sometimes I go through these phases, watching episode after episode of tvshows on dvd, but I always make it back to my books, finding it nearly impossible to walk around without at least 1 in my purse at all times.

So do I find out the gist of everything going on in the news... sure... just maybe 3-6 months after everyone else.

Articles have come out about the inundation of information in our society today. Sometimes I'm inclined to think that ignorance is bliss, but curiosity always gets the better of me and back to the books, articles, and newspapers I go.

Hence, I read my news in gulps. 

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