12 October 2011

On Being Set Up...

So a few weeks ago, my assistant asked if I would be willing to meet up with this man her sister works with at a school in Plaistow. Since I seem fairly incompetent at finding my own men, and these two lovely Bengali ladies are married, I thought, why the hell not?

Tom and I exchanged photos and numbers through the ladies, but nothing...

Now... I know that things are new now, women can ask me out, etc., but... I didn't want to. I'm very firmly a believer that if someone likes me enough, he'll call or text or something.

So anyway, Friday night comes and he does text... so we chat a bit.

I am a world-class chatter. Even if the other person is fairly awkward or has odd hobbies, I can get on with people. So the fact that we're chatting via text isn't so amazingly impressive to me yet.

So, a few days goes by (and by a few I mean 4) and I haven't heard from him... sigh. I've been super busy, so the thought has barely crossed my mind, but I'm getting the feeling that "he's just not that into me"... but a little sparkle of hope still dimly burns within, so despite my friends saying "don't text him," I do, just a casual "Manic week, how you doing?" and a get a few casual responses and then he's off to football (playing, not watching).

So, I'm just not sensing a lot of enthusiasm. One friend pointed out maybe he doesn't want to be too eager so as not to look creepy, fair point, but I do think girls want to be wooed a bit.

Though I'm a strong, independent woman (queue the webbie song), I do enjoy someone also strong enough, confident enough, to ask me out and make a plan, etc. I just sort of refuse to do all the work in relationships anymore (not none of the work, but certainly not all of it).

So... I'm just wondering if 1. we're both sincerely SUPER busy and/or 2. we're both playing it way too cool, wanting the other one to make the move?

I mean, I don't really know him enough to know whether or not I do like him because I'm so intuitive and it's about that vibe, that connection, that chemistry, that je ne sais quoi when you meet someone and there's this string in your gut that gets pulled violently but towards the other person and like wraps you up in your small intestine.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't know if I believe in love at first sight, but I think there is an a-hah! moment where two people are, I don't know, opened up to the souls of one another... it's a feeling more than words can describe... I want that moment. I've felt it before, and all of them, in their own ways, were good relationships, even if not permanent.

So... I will wait for the moment and keep myself, not purposefully busy, but doing the things I love in the meantime.

If he calls and sets something up, then brill! If not, it's all good, but at least I know I wasn't scared to do it, and I can see that I have the confidence to potentially be rejected by someone I've never met (does that even count?) and it's not making me fall apart or turn all self-flagellating and dejected.

Oh... and I'm going roller blading again this weekend B)

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