23 November 2011

Keep Your Eyes to Yourself

So thankfully no one has actually tried touching me at work... but I'm sick and tired of random men in work "giving me the eye" in front of my students.

Today while having a chat with a male student in the corridor, random TA who I've never even met walks by and oogles me and student notices: "Miss, that teacher just looked at your bum..."


"It happens."

In this situation, anything I say sounds awkward. Anything. Because my student doesn't oogle me or say anything, actually, most of the students are very respectful and gentlemanly.

But I'm absolutely appalled at the behavior of these adult men. How are they setting an example for the boys if it's obvious they can't keep their eyes away from my "lady parts?"

For those of you who disagree with slutwalks, you can rest assured, my dress is professional and maybe even a little frumpy... there is no dirty librarian here.

I just find it obnoxious that 15 year old boys with raging hormones can manage to look girls in the eye while their adult counterparts eye f*** me in the corridors...

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