30 December 2011

American Foods (which I Love), which will probably kill me

So in England, I tend to eat quite healthy there with fewer processed foods. But I grew up on some amazingly beautiful "foods" that I splurge on when I'm home. Here's the list in no particular order:
  • Beefaroni: you all know the song "We're having beefaroni! Beef and macaroni!" I LOVE this stuff! 
  • Tasty Cakes: Specifically the Peanut butter Kandy kakes (in my lunch every day of school!)
  • Vlasic Kosher Baby Dill Pickles
  • Stewart's Rootbeer 
  • Hazelnut Flavored Coffeemate...mmmmm 
  • Cow tales... cause who doesn't love icing filled caramel? NOT ME!!! 
  • Every time I'm home, it is imperative I visit Wawa multiple times for coffee and subs, and many other smaller restaurants for all the horrific goodness! Sigh... it never gets old. 

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