06 October 2018

And the women rage

Women's rage has been a hot topic lately. It's also one of those borderline inappropriate emotions that brand women a raging feminist, or unattractive, or unfeminine. Rage.

Societies around the world seem to be getting it. Women are not objects. Women deserve equal justice. Women are their own unique identities. Women have their own autocracy. In Saudi Arabia, women can now drive. In India, sexual predators are being prosecuted. Progress.

But in the United States of America, a man who has been accused multiple times of sexual assault has just been confirmed to the Supreme Court without a complete FBI investigation because... because I don't know. Because it's not worth time to ensure the constitution and laws in the highest court of the land aren't being influenced and twisted by a man who doesn't consider half of the country (or perhaps more) equal to men.

Trump sits in the White House with an incredibly low approval rate, increasing evidence of collusion with Russian hackers, numerous law suits against him for sexual assault, tax evasion, and fraud.

Women are tired of the double standards. We're tired of not being heard and believed. We're tired of having to be likeable and attractive to be considered credible. We're tired and we're angry.

Republican Senators, we're coming for you. We don't care how much campaign money you have. You are being replaced.

Sincerely, the women of America.

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