15 June 2009

Random thoughts... and platonic relationships...

Pomegranates are the best snack food because they deal with that whole "need to use your hands" issue, without being too sweet, and crunchy at the same time.

Today in the middle of reading Poe's "The Black Cat" to my year 8 students lightning crashed and water began gushing into the school in a torrential downpour. I stared out of the window and then quietly asked a student to go to the office. He first decided that it was appropriate to soak himself in the torrent of water streaming down from the ceiling all over the corridor.

Humus can cure any food disaster.

So can almond magnum icecream bars.

I have a friend issue. I have a guy friend, who has a girlfriend, and I am really not attracted to said guy friend... not really. I guess I'm going to have to explain a lot more to make things clear. Yes I admit he's funny and smart and not bad to look at. I just think deep down we would be bad bad bad in a relationship. I imagine awful fights, hurt feelings, not to mention that we don't have the same living priorities at all...

Despite knowing this, despite being very happy for him that he's happy with girlfriend what's-her-name, I find myself thinking about him a lot. Not in the I-wonder-what-he's-wearing type of way, but in the Oh-he-would-think-this-is-funny type of way. I enjoy talking to him. I can tell him things, embarrassing things. I can be honest. He can hurt my feelings. I want him to know about my life and I want to know about his, even if I'm not in it. It's really weird because it borders on the intimate-I-know-you-really-well kind of relationship without being romantic at all.

I have no idea what to do...

1 comment:

  1. I hope whatever you decide in the end suits you and that guy. All the best if you and he get into a relationship, or even if you stay friends. Nice blog btw :)


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