26 January 2010

Beef about Male Dancers...

So the other night a friend and I went out to a blues dance at the town hall. Not some cheap night club... not even a night club. There were marble floors and historic carvings. It was beautiful. And yet, I find myself irritated enough to write a DO NOT list for male dancers...

  1. Do NOT under any circumstances have anything in your pockets... it's creepy. I'm there to social dance, and I don't need to think anything else is going on in there.
  2. For the love of God, TRIM YOUR FINGERNAILS! Nothing is so creepy as some guy nicking you with his long fingernails whilst spinning you across the dance floor.
  3. Don't ASSESS my dancing at the end. A simple "Thank you" will suffice. Don't tell me "well done," as if I'm being graded for my performance.
  4. Do NOT ask me to dance with you and then NOT LOOK AT ME the entire dance. Nothing makes a girl feel lovelier than when her partner avoids her for the entire dance. Not only is it just awkward, but since you have ahold of me, I can't even run away. If you want to dance with me, it is to dance WITH me... not to have a girl there to make YOU look good. Honestly, you look the best when I'm having a good time. If I am standing there as if at any moment I'd like to run away, you lose.

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