02 January 2011

The Most Annoying Things About Flying

In no particular order:
  1. Loud-talkers
  2. Unfriendly seat buddies
  3. When people "miss" the toilets
  4. The "meat" in the dinner options
  5. The really bad coffee
  6. When airlines don't have the seats that have fold-down notches that hold your head in place so you don't DIE when you fall asleep. Only British Airways has these seats that I have seen.
  7. Super-Cold or Super-Hot air
  8. Anyone under the age of 10
  9. Having to turn off your i-pod for the first and last 30 minutes of flying
  10. non-on-demand movie systems
  11. When people take up the entire carry-on bin
  12. 2-pronged head phone sockets (seriously... it's just a scam to make you buy their ridiculous headphones that won't fit in ANY OTHER electronic device) (Again, BA doesn't do this)
  13. When the pilot has an annoying accent, has trouble reading the announcements, or rambles on and on every time the wings jiggle
  14. Pushy flight attendants
  15. When people walk by your aisle seat and (accidentally) touch your head (while your sleeping) thinking it's the top of your seat

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