21 April 2011

Terry Jones: Fundamentalist or Extremist

Don't get me wrong, I don't know a whole lot about Terry Jones, I try not to... it will only make me super mad. But I do know the effect he's had on the world, on the reputation of Christians, on our peace-loving country (for the most part), and on the Islamic world.

I understand being mad about 9/11. Trust me. I knew people who had moms and aunts and cousins die. I knew first responders who are now sick from helping in the mess. It completely sucks. But that love and honor and courage and the protection of freedom is why we call ourselves Americans.

I also know enough to understand that most Islamic people were not in their rooms watching the explosions on TV with popcorn shouting "Burn baby! Burn!" as the towers fell--unlike the Americans who revelled in Sadam Hussein's public hanging. Most Islamic people I've encountered apologize and are embarrassed by the extremists' behavior.

So why is Terry Jones so keen to copy the behavior of Islamic Extremists? I mean in Iran, they hold public book burnings to show they can't read infidel slather. They ransack homes and universities and libraries for books and destroy them and imprison the owners.

But don't Americans believe in freedom of speech, and freedom from censorship? Don't we believe in freedom of religion? Freedom to read the Bible or the Koran. Freedom to be a Christian, any kind of Christian, or a Muslim?

So why hold a "Yay let's burn the Koran day"? To upset the Muslims in the U.S.? The Muslims who have kids in school, who pay taxes, who attend their Mosque quietly and take their kids to cricket practice?

Because while you upset them, you also upset the Islamic Extremists abroad. Ya know, the ones actually behind the 9/11 attacks. Let me tell you, they're a lot better than you at covert ops, organization and violence. The proof is what they've been doing in Egypt and Iraq. Many Christians living in Baghdad were beaten or killed because of your petty slap fight antics. Canon Andrew White, the Vicar of Baghdad asked for prayers for his shrinking congregation--shrinking because they were being hunted and killed off because of what you did.

And now you're planning a "peaceful" protest at the largest US Mosque, where you aren't protesting Islam, but Extreme Islam... ::blank stare:: So go over to Egypt or Libya or Iran or Iraq or any other predominantly Islamic nation and slap one of them in the face there, holding your loaded semi-automatic, and see what happens. Don't protest at the place of worship of thousands of peaceful Muslims, women and children who want to go about quietly worshipping Allah and raising their children. Men who want to take care of their families and appreciate the freedom they have in the US.

I understand you are a pastor and run a church, but honestly, you couldn't be further from the gospel of Christ. And by having this protest on Good Friday, the day Jesus died for our sins, the day Jesus was ultimately powerful and humble, the day he became a slave to all so he could crush Satan, on that day, you are aligning all of us God-fearing, peace-loving Christians with your sick, unChrist-like agenda.

Jesus was opposed to this type of violence, saying to love your God first and your neighbor as yourself. He said to love your enemies, because it's easy to love your friends, so if someone hates you, love them back.

I just want to say that most of those Muslims at the Mosque where you're planning to protest don't hate you or Christians, but they will. How can you defend yourself against Christ's command to love your enemies if you are making more enemies of Christ and his believers? Don't you see how this will effect Christians overseas? Christians who are missionaries in Islamic countries? Christians who work with Muslims at work or live with them in their neighborhoods?

You are not Ezekiel or John the Baptist, the voice of one crying in the wilderness... you are a violent, hate-loving old man who is trying to create war. You are not God's prophet--cleansing the nations, and not only does God know this, but many Christians do as well. It doesn't even take a Christian to recognize how full of hate you are; the non-faith based group Stop the Hate protest you and your followers.

The Bible commands that I don't hate you, so I won't. But it also says not to sit down to eat with a Christian such as these... in modern interpretation, don't associate ones' self with a person like you. So I'm saying now, I'm a Christian and I love God, and I hate what Terry Jones is doing.

To all you Atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. Please don't judge our faith by this horrendous man.

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