24 October 2011

Rollerblading Rocks!

So, my new passion is rollerblading, refound from my 12th birthday when I first loved this awesome activity.

So while there's a lot of cheese associated with rollerblading, spandex and neon, I'm going to give you the top 5 fabulous reasons to rollerblade.

  1. It's super fun! 
  2. It burns loads of calories (285 per 30 mins at a steady pace and more if you increase speed) 
  3. It helps increase your balance, aerobic and anaerobic health. 
  4. It gets you outside to enjoy the park, boardwalk, or your neighborhood. Vitamin D! 
  5. You can do it solo or with friends and there are loads of local classes becoming available to hone your skills and stay safe. 

Misconceptions and Annoyances 
  1. You do not need to wear spandex. I often blade it up in jeans, shorts, or even my bathing suit. 
  2. Safety is sexy, (says Eve in Whip it) so don't forget your wrist guards and knee pads at the minimum :) 
  3. The funnest thing ever (sarcasm) is rollerblading down the path and people dive in front of me because they are trying to get out of the way. Seeing their deer in headlights look and then have them run the wrong way is hilarious/frustrating because I usually end up throwing myself up on the grass or out of the way to not hit them. 

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