It's often just enough to be with someone. I don't need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You're not alone. ~Marilyn MonroeFor a while now scientists have been doing research on tiny "strings" which link things... things across different dimensions... things which don't look like they are linked... and this has been applied in literature and pop psychology for a while. I can't even discuss the amount of damage it's done in The Secret, and everyone remembers The Lake House, with two people across time. Everyone remembers Star Trek and worm holes. (tangent for relevant Gilmore Girls Quotes)
LIZ: You were never in sync.... It's like that space-time-continuum thing. You're on a plane over here, and she's on this plane over there, and you were both never here nor there at the same time.
T.J.: It's like string theory.
LUKE: String Theory, what do you know about string theory?
T.J.: Don't underestimate me, Luke. I read. And I watch "Battlestar Galactica."
LIZ: You were on different planes. It could have worked out if there was a wormhole between your plane and her plane.
LUKE: We didn't need a wormhole...
But what if there are tiny strings linking us all together in an immense web of humanity across all the other dimensions of reality--ones we can see and sense, and the ones we cannot.
There are moments when I feel so connected to people, even if they are so far away. Moments when I suddenly think of a friend and I just know something is wrong, or really right. This has happened many times in my circle of close friends... us DPs, we know what's up. It's as if we're feeling the vibrations of tiny strings across the thousands of miles.
A few years ago I read The God of Small Things, and repeated throughout the novel was the image of "A Sophie Mol shaped hole in the universe." As if when one dies, one falls out of the universe and creates a hole... a hole in the shape of all you were while you inhabited the world. As if we fell out of the web and the flying strands that we linked to us are smarting and need to find other things to link to instead of flapping wildly in the breeze.
And I was reminded of the impressions people leave with us... not funny remarks or a certain way about them, no, none of that. What I mean is the shape of them inhabiting the universe near us. Think of someone you enjoy spending time with. Whilst sitting near them, imagine closing your eyes in a quiet moment and feeling the imprint of them. What do you feel from them? Do they take up a lot of space? Are they solid? Flexible? Have they been made small? Are they in a shape?
This may seem particularly odd since I'm not talking about a personality, but possibly the vibes of their personality that they send out into the atmosphere, whether intentionally or not.
There have been people that have such a lovely feeling, impression, whatever you wish to call it... it draws one in. It can be difficult to perceive it, and the description is much different that how I feel it: warm and remarkably solid, but not harsh, like a sun-warmed quilted mattress propped against a shady tree. It makes no sense, but the feeling of it is particularly strong tonight.
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