23 January 2012

So I thought you needed something in your bed...

... so I got you a stuffed animal.

I've never really been a stuffed animal girl. I had a few when I was a little kid... I had a dolphin I almost stole from Sea World when I was 2... but another story for another day.

Other than the dolphin, I didn't really have any stuffed animals till college, where on the first day, my new roommate offered me a stuffed jaguar. It's a perfect snuggly kitty to guard my bed. He's been there since college, but I thought it was a lone stuffed animal thing. Not too creepy... I'm not the girl with tons of stuffed animals in her room... till now.

The past few years, people have begun buying me stuffed animals. Since my jaguar offering 2002, my bed was a single animal bed... in 2010 a friend sent me a Crush (from Finding Nemo)... then my mom got me a National Geographic snow leopard which has a noise pack and growls... another bed guard.

Finally, at Christmas, my brother got me a larger-than-life size owl. (shown above).

While this owl, (I've named him Galileo), is awesome,... I feel like people are filling my bed up with stuffed animals to keep me company...

I don't feel like married women or women with committed boyfriends get offered stuffed animals as gifts... unless it's for their dogs or children.

Not that I'm not totally appreciative of my growing army of bed guards, but if I need to get something or someone out of my bed, I'll use a taser ;)

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