20 April 2009


I've lived in the UK for almost 2 years now, and I have to admit that I feel like I've acclimated except when they come out with the most outrageous bus adds EVER! The new Transport for London's road safety campaign shows pictures of dead teens on the pavement, staring like zombies at you with the stupid phrase "Don't let your friendship die on the road." http://www.tfl.gov.uk/corporate/media/newscentre/11488.aspx.

Not only is it disturbing (almost as disturbing as the lesbian vampire killers movie ads) (BTW dangling modifier... are the killers lesbians or the vampires?? I guess I'll have to see to find out! NOT!), but I do NOT want to see the faces of dead teenagers as I'm walking around London or waiting for the bus. It's not enough that I have to work with teenagers and see them all the time, but now in my free time I have to see them dead in the road (on posters). As if one drunken teenager looking after another drunken teenager is really going to help anyway... more likely is that they'll both end up getting flattened.

Transport for London, not only do you close at the most inopportune of times (bank holiday weekend!!! IDIOTS!), but you use very cheesy and somewhat illogical and threatening media campaigns. Please fire whomever came up with this, rip down the posters, and find something useful and maybe a bit cheerful. The dead teenagers clash with the daffodils in the park.

1 comment:

  1. Strong reactions to what I agree is a disturbing ad campaign.


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