Much ado was made over the three tiered cake tray... "you're not a woman unless you have a tiered cake tray"... At one point a comment about Stepford Wives ... "did anyone else think Glen Close had the right idea?" was jokingly remarked... we talked about what hidden "domestic goddess" talents we had...
I know these comments were made in jest... I know it isn't all that makes up these lovely women... I just felt so awkward about participating...
I jokingly pointed out that I grew up with my dad butchering deer in our kitchen and walking into the garage to find them strung up by their back legs, bleeding onto a tarp. I grew up splitting wood and mowing the lawn... cuts and scratches on my legs from picking scabs and bug bites... poison ivy... shooting rifles and fishing...
But other than my rough upbringings (I also had mom-enforced Emily Post etiquette lessons), I just feel like so much extravagance is a waste.
I know God blesses people. I know it's not a sin to have much and be blessed with nice things. I know. I guess, what I'm saying is that it's not me. I can't link up with the idea of wanting tiered cake trays... ever.
Some women grow into it... they getting married, or get some money, and wander department stores browsing the beautiful things they can fill a home with... maybe I just haven't grown into it yet...
But something in me just feels like there is so much more... so much more... and I'm not satisfied with the idea of three tiered cake trays.
me either